お気に入り登録数: 349
名前 | Bill M. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | オーストラリア |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
Armistice day についての話題を取り上げました。恥ずかしながら第一次世界大戦の、諸外国の状況や、このメモリアルについても初めて知り、とても充実したレッスンでした。知的な優しく明るいお人柄の先生です。 |
匿名様より 会員No.30784 女性 |
He is one of the few teachers who can teach during the day. Thank you for always having a pleasant conversation. |
匿名様より 会員No.3069 男性 |
Teacher Bill gave me nice questions to promote our discussion. |
匿名様より 会員No.30784 女性 |
He tells me stories about places I've never heard of or seen. It's very interesting, I wish I could understand more of the story. |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
bonfire night, turn someone in the police, effigies, refuse direct consultation of a patient, |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
At least 120 people were killed and 100 injured in a stampede after a crowd poured into a central district of the South Korea capital Seoul for halloween festivities. What a tragedy! Bill, thank you very much for the lesson. |
yoshi様より 会員No.38510 男性 |
私のたどたどしい表現も、チャットボックスを用いて正確な表現を教えてくれました。 また、レッスン終了前にも熱心にアドバイスをいただきました。 |
匿名様より 会員No.30784 女性 |
I practiced reading, which I was not good at, and in free talk. The teacher's story is fun, but I can only understand it for the most part. I'm glad I was able to practice hearings. |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
Thank you for giving me a lot of useful information through the lesson. I felt so cheerful and encouraged with your lesson. 思いついた限りのひどい文法や表現でも、察してくださり、チャットボックスに的確な文を残していただけます。 ビル先生のレッスンは楽しいです! |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
I had a relaxing conversation with Bill as always. Talked about whereabouts of his family members and his early days in Scotland. |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
What he speaks is quite important information for me. He gave me a lot of advice and useful expression through reading an article. 沢山の知識とご経験をお持ちなのが、会話で感じられます。とてもバランスの取れている先生です。明るく優しく、楽しい先生です。 |
匿名様より 会員No.30784 女性 |
I always get to hear interesting stories from him. I'm glad that he speaks kindly and slowly. |
Haru様より 会員No.38511 女性 |
英語面接の練習をしていただきました。 とても実用的なアドバイスを貰えました。 親切で知的な先生です。 |
匿名様より 会員No.30072 女性 |
とても分かりやすい授業です。穏やかで優しい先生です。 |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
He gave me a lot of advice with kindness through I told him about how I spent this weekend.Useful expressions and words for native speakers that are difficult to construct by myself. His lesson is exactly suitable what I wanted to study.Thank you so much Tr Bill. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
I like Bill`s lesson all the more for being wise and experienced teacher. Some are wise, and some are otherwise. Wise men learn more from fools than fools learn from wise men. Bill, thank you very much for the lesson. |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
We talked about the latest news in Japan that North Korea went off the ballistic missiles which crossed over the main land Japan. It was fun to speak with Bill as always |
匿名様より 会員No.30784 女性 |
Teacher told me about New Zealand in relation to the Daily News. I would like to visit there someday. |
匿名様より 会員No.37833 女性 |
とにかく、先生は、知識豊富で、英単語色々教えてもらえて、毎回満足して充実してます^ - ^また予約します。色々な国に住んでるので色々知ってるので、話が尽きない! |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
Getting out of bed in the morning is gnarly. Thank you very much for the lesson. |
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