お気に入り登録数: 349
名前 | Bill M. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | オーストラリア |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
匿名様より 会員No.35297 男性 |
理解出来ているか 確認してくれます。 難しい部分も根気よく教えてくれます。 |
匿名様より 会員No.35297 男性 |
理解出来るまで、説明してくれます。 しっかり間違いも指摘してくれます。 いつも有り難うございます |
匿名様より 会員No.35297 男性 |
分からないところが分かるまで 説明してくれます。 優しい人です。 |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
The article he had chosen was so interesting. Tr Bill showed a lot of material using chat box and I can read about it after his class. I enjoyed reading and talking at his class. Thank you always. See you next lesson. |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
今日は小説の中の表現でわからないところを教えてもらいました。いつも勉強になります。 |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
There are some people that are endowed with an undeniable talents. I wish I could be one of them. Bill thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.30784 女性 |
I talked about golf with him. Golf is easy to understand even if you don't understand English. He is a teacher who will tell me various things I want to try. |
匿名様より 会員No.40230 女性 |
私の英語力が弱いのもありますが、先生の話が少し長く、満足なレッスンではありませんでした。 |
匿名様より 会員No.30072 女性 |
いつも楽しい話ができます。 |
Hitomi様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
His class was so interesting as always. Tr bill taught me a lot of information about grammar,spelling,speaking and effective vocabulary. I take his lesson continually as I can. |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
今日も楽しい授業でした。いつもありがとう! |
Takumi様より 会員No.40176 男性 |
It was the first lesson for me. Bill told a lot about Australia. It was fun to talk with him. He also gave some advices for my son and me, and introduced us some stories to read. We try to read them together. I hope to see him again! |
Yotaro様より 会員No.8877 男性 |
Bill-san, I also really enjoyed talking today. I hope to see you soon. |
匿名様より 会員No.30784 女性 |
I was able to hear a lot of cooking stories over the lesson time. He cooks carefully, but I cook cutting corners. I thought I had to emulate. |
Toshiki様より 会員No.39676 男性 |
Mr. Bill is a quite friendly teacher. I felt it easy to talk to him. Maybe he is good at listening to me. His knowledge about the topic which I would like to treat in the lesson was so affluent and thrilling to me that I could come up with various other ways of thinking about the topic. |
Toshiki様より 会員No.39676 男性 |
Mr. Bill is a quite friendly teacher. I felt it easy to talk to him. Maybe he is good at listening to me. His knowledge about the topic which I would like to treat in the lesson was so affluent and thrilling to me that I could come up with various other ways of thinking about the topic. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
What a team, Japan living up to the hype and then some, beating Mexico in a stunning upset win in the semi-final and defeated USA in a dramatic, thrilling razor-thin margin in the final. |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
I’m satisfied with his lesson always.Bill taught me a lot of advices about usages, grammar and pronunciation. I tried to warm my back that I hurt.See you soon. |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
今朝も楽しい会話でした。表現の修正も指導してもらい、とても有意義でした。 |
Takeshi様より 会員No.39942 男性 |
Thank you very much for you lesson, Bill. I was surprised to hear that you lived in Brisbane before. but enjoyed the conversation with you. Hope you will be able to come back to Malaysia! |
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