お気に入り登録数: 501
名前 | Charles S. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | ガイアナ |
現住国 | Brazil |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Sho様より 会員No.18552 男性 |
温厚な人柄ときめ細かい指導が良いと思います。また、日本の情報をよくご存じでとても話題豊富なところも良いです。これから始める方にも中級以上の方にもお奨めできます。 |
Mari様より 会員No.18064 女性 |
Thank you for today's nice lesson. I talked about my trip of last month today. You always lead my story. I remembered my funny trip. |
匿名様より 会員No.21260 女性 |
Thank you, Charles. You gave me the precious hint that I’ve never thought. |
Mari様より 会員No.18064 女性 |
We talked about new corona virus today. I need to learn more words. He sometimes shows new words for me. It's so useful. |
匿名様より 会員No.21260 女性 |
Thank you for your fruitful lesson. I could’ve known a lot of things about your country. See you soon. |
Sho様より 会員No.18552 男性 |
Thank you always, Charles, for an interesting lesson. Your kind explanation is very easy to understand, very easy to memory and very helpful. I do appreciate it. |
Tomoe様より 会員No.10440 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson. Our conversation reminds me of my life. Truth is stranger than fiction. I’m glad to have your lesson next time. See you soon. |
Makiko様より 会員No.14692 女性 |
Dear Charles, I enjoyed my today's lesson. Thank you very much again for your help. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Makiko |
Koichi様より 会員No.21772 男性 |
Thanks for the lesson today. I really apreaciate your help. Honestly, I was nervous because I'm not accostumed to speaking English. In spite of that, you always encouraged me to speak as much as possible during the class. I hope to see you next Sunday. |
kayo様より 会員No.18644 女性 |
優しくて誠実な先生でした(^^)/ |
Ayumi様より 会員No.21918 女性 |
Thank you for Today's lesson. I enjoyed it so much. See you around! |
匿名様より 会員No.22171 女性 |
Thank you for yesterday's lesson,Charles. It was my trial lesson. I was wondering how we proceed to our lesson. But it was no problem. You always led me. I enjoyed our conversation. I hope I 'll have another lesson with you soon. |
Tomoe様より 会員No.10440 女性 |
Chucky, Thanks for a lesson. いつでも優しいCharles先生ですが、 最近は生徒さんも増えられてだんだん人気の講師になっておられます。 初心者から上級者までおすすめの先生と思います。 |
Akiko様より 会員No.20766 女性 |
Thank you for the wonderful lesson. I really enjoyed it. You are very kind to show me a lot of interest about Japan and me, that made me very happy. I would like to take your lesson regularly, so see you soon. |
miki様より 会員No.21651 女性 |
Thank you for always! See you next lesson. 私の拙い英語をシンプルな文章に修正してくれて、とても勉強になってます! いつも穏やかで、時にはとても真面目に接してくれていい先生です。 |
Riko様より 会員No.20372 女性 |
今回も楽しいレッスンでした! チャールズ先生は時々冗談を言って笑わせてくれます😊 |
Janet様より 会員No.21854 女性 |
I enjoyed talking about The Ventures. If you have enough time, please listen to "Slaughter on Tenth Avenue". But sad to say, I was dissapointed when I read your assessment. It was almost the same as the one you wrote before. If you don't have enough time to write, please write only one sentence. I like it much better. |
Min様より 会員No.11106 女性 |
Charles is a very friendly and talktive turtor. I enjoyed the first lesson with him and I liked his tutoring style which I believe is effective to extend my vocabulary.Hopefully we can talk about more topics in the future. |
Sho様より 会員No.18552 男性 |
Thank you, Charles, for the excellent lesson as always with good relaxing atmosphere. Also I appreciate a lot your kind and encouraging words. |
Sho様より 会員No.18552 男性 |
英語指導経験が豊富で、かつ教え方がソフトかつ丁寧で、初心者の方にも中級以上の方にもおすすめできる先生です。 |
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