お気に入り登録数: 310
名前 | James W. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | オーストラリア |
現住国 | Australia |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 中級 |
匿名様より 会員No.18718 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson! I had a very great time. It was very nice talking about STAR WARS. I've never talked about STAR WARS this long. I didn't know there were many backgrounds in each character. I will read the wookieepedia very carefully. I hpe we could talk about STAR WARS next year too. See you soon! |
Natsuko様より 会員No.11007 女性 |
Thank you very much for teaching English for me. You are always very open mind and kind! I learn the difference between Past tense and Past Perfect tense. From non-native English speaker, Past Perfect tense is very confusing grimmer. But you told me that these are not big deal, so I am so relieved. Thank you so much!! |
匿名様より 会員No.18718 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson. I enjoyed reading the article and discussing it with you. I hope that the coronavirus pandemic will be over soon. :( I will find something interesting to do in my free time. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. Please stay safe! |
June様より 会員No.20227 女性 |
とっても優しくて人間味あふれる先生です。一回だけのレッスンではその魅力はわからなかったですが、二回、三回とレッスンを重ねていくと、その魅力が伝わってきます。 |
Tam様より 会員No.21266 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson.l was happy to talk with you. I want to talk more and improve unnatural sentences. |
Atsu様より 会員No.22603 男性 |
I had an enjoyable time of speaking of a lot of things with Teacher James. Thank you very much for your leading the conversation. |
Emika様より 会員No.23163 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. It was nice to talk about coronavirus and study abroad in Australia. I am going to keep studying hard to improve my English skills, and I will definitely go to Australia in near future! It was great talking with you! |
Natsuki様より 会員No.23491 女性 |
I enjoyed talking with you. I'm glad to get the information about good place in australia.And you you can speak Japanese very well and support me to use it. It makes me relax. I want to talk with you again! Thank you James! |
Mori様より 会員No.7832 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. I enjoyed talking with you. It was easy to understand for me. See you soon . |
kotaro様より 会員No.22321 男性 |
thank you for your lesson. I want to take your lesson one more time❗️ |
kotaro様より 会員No.22321 男性 |
thank you for your lesson. I want to take your lesson one more time❗️ |
Yuika様より 会員No.23296 女性 |
It was good class. I could know many words! Thank you! |
Yuika様より 会員No.23296 女性 |
It was useful lesson! Your check is easy to understand! Thank you! |
Yuika様より 会員No.23296 女性 |
Thanks for your class! It was interesting class. Your check is very clear.So,I can understand well! Thank you! |
Yuika様より 会員No.23296 女性 |
It was interesting class! Your check is easy to understand! If you doing more reactions, lessons will be more good! Thank you! |
NORI様より 会員No.16610 女性 |
振替えの先生でしたが、沢山質問してくれて、文法や分からない単語も丁寧に教えてくれました。 |
Yuika様より 会員No.23296 女性 |
It was interesting class! I could learn many words! Thank you! |
Yuika様より 会員No.23296 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson! You check was easy to understand! |
Natsuko様より 会員No.11007 女性 |
Thank you very much for helping me a lot through this lesson. You are so kind and for me, your lesson was very helpful to learn how to write English sentences. You are a really good teacher! I want to take your lesson again! Thanks!! |
Takashi様より 会員No.23093 男性 |
私にとってはかなり早口で聞き取れない部分も多々ありましたが日本のこともよく知っているし話していて楽しかったです。 |
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