お気に入り登録数: 421
名前 | Mika Y. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | フィリピン |
現住国 | Japan |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 初級 |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
In the middleof the class, an urgent business coming in. I canceled the lessen. Sorry for cancelation. Have a good Christmas. And have a happy new year. I'll see you next end of January. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
It's really strange that I have written the review message but was not completed. I wrote it again., My plan of goint into one month hibernation was canceled. I must continue lesson for another month. I tell you the reason at the next lesson. See you soon,. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
I usually study myself and memorize dialog 1 as many as I can. I have 4 lessons a month to get a situmilutain to learn Englsh and have one month break. She alwasy give me stimulation to learn English. During the month break I study myself and memorize dialoghs. 72 years old man have satisfied with your lesson. I'll see you middle of December and going into a month break. Looking foward to seeing you. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
今日のレッスンはとても疲れました.理由は-----. 予習せずにレッスンを受けるのは逆に疲れます. 次回はもっと予習します, Today's lesson, I got tired very much. The reason why I got tired is -----. Without preparation of lesson made me tired. Next time I must prepare the lesson. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
予習復習はとても大事です. 英文を作ったり,会話文を考えたり,知らない単語を調べたり, 予習不足の私を彼女は補ってくれます. It's very important to have a preparation and to have review. Writing sentences, Imaging conversation, check the words that I don't know. She alwasy supports my lacking preparation. |
Tack様より 会員No.12804 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. I enjoyed it. See you next time. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
I enjoyed your lesson very muchi. It's always dificult to use skype. I made some mistakes that cause trobule. For my age it's too diffudulet to have five lesson evey month. I take a month break next month. Probably I'll see you end of September or October. One lesson for you and another is for someone else. I'm training my body by swimming and training my brain by learning English. I have stimulation by learning English. |
Taka様より 会員No.15549 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. We talked about the medical insurance at each country. I enjoyed her lesson. |
Ken様より 会員No.18937 男性 |
thank you for your class. I could enjoy conversation with you. I'd like to see you , and have class again. have a good Friday night! |
Osamu様より 会員No.17629 男性 |
Thank you very much for yesterday's lesson. I did enjoy it a lot. In addition, you provided several helpful advice for me, which motivated me to learn more. I look forward to talking with you next time soon! |
匿名様より 会員No.17448 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. I had enjoy very much. |
Breakout様より 会員No.15437 男性 |
Thank you for your kindly talk.I was interested in your tolk today. |
Breakout様より 会員No.15437 男性 |
Thank you Ms Mika-san I was interested in our today's talk. |
Yuki様より 会員No.17770 女性 |
Thanks for today^^ You could explained to me clearly. You are so friendly and cheerful. Thank you. |
jun様より 会員No.16280 男性 |
Hello Mika! Thank you for the lesson. It was good talking to you too! And I’m sorry for my English is bad. I’d like to speak English fluently. See you again! |
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