お気に入り登録数: 305
名前 | Eden M. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | フィリピン |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Hide様より 会員No.26969 男性 |
日常の出来事などを、気軽に話合いができて、とても勉強になります。 英会話を楽しく勉強できます。 |
miki様より 会員No.23967 女性 |
先生は、インテリな感じで自然に話せました。色んな話題で出来ました。 |
AYANO様より 会員No.29557 女性 |
I've been taking her lessons for a while, and thanks to her, I feel confidence in speaking English compared to before I started taking her lessons. |
匿名様より 会員No.26969 男性 |
It’s was nice this class. Her teaching helped me . |
AYANO様より 会員No.29557 女性 |
I like discussing many things with Eden. I also enjoy learning the differences of Japan and philliphines. |
AYANO様より 会員No.29557 女性 |
I'm having difficulties expressing my thoughts in English. Sometimes I can't manage to output my thoughts and just give up, and end up speaking of different things. I will be happy if you support me :D |
AYANO様より 会員No.29557 女性 |
Thank you for correcting my pronunciations. I need to practice my "L"s and "R"s. |
Poco様より 会員No.11355 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson! My son really enjoyed the MATH GAMES, for which thank you! Wish you and your family the best for 2021! |
匿名様より 会員No.7832 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. I enjoyed talking with you. See you soon. |
匿名様より 会員No.19101 女性 |
少し早口ですが、質問を繰り返してくださったり、自分が言った不明瞭なことをタイピングしてくださったりするので、とても丁寧に教えていただけてると実感しています! |
匿名様より 会員No.19101 女性 |
ちょっと早口で人によっては聞きづらいかもしれませんが、とても明るく優しい先生なのでオススメです! |
Poco様より 会員No.11355 女性 |
Thank you always for your fun and effective lesson for my son!! |
匿名様より 会員No.19101 女性 |
私が出来ないだけですが、先生が早いのか、時々理解できずにやり過ごしてしまいますが、とても明るい先生で、根気良く続けてくださるので、また時間があれば受けたいと思います。 |
Kaito様より 会員No.19726 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson! You always make him happy and fun! He really surprised when he knew the people eat frog. I also did! I said “Why don’t you try eat fried frog? It tastes like a fried chicken!” But he said “ Mommy are you serious? That’s gross!!“ (^ ^;) To know the different food culture was good study for him! Thank you very much!! |
Yotaro様より 会員No.8877 男性 |
Hi, Eden-san, thank you for sparing your time. I really enjoyed talking yesterday. I appreciate it if you give me how to get cosmetics you've been selling. See you again soon. |
Maiko様より 会員No.25621 女性 |
Thank you so much for your lesson! I'd like to explain many things more smoothly.I'm looking forward to next time.See you soon! |
Riisa様より 会員No.18908 女性 |
Thank you as always. |
Wataru様より 会員No.18054 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. 'Your task' and 'Let's talk' are good practices for me. I was able to learn new words as well. I'll practice more. See you next time. |
Poco様より 会員No.11355 女性 |
Hello, Eden. Thank you for clock game. Dragon. |
Ken様より 会員No.15322 男性 |
You always point out and correct me wrong pronunciations. That's a very good lesson for me. Thank you so much. |
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