お気に入り登録数: 1027
名前 | Fergal B. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | アイルランド |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
匿名様より 会員No.18346 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson today! I appreciate your kind advice. I would like to continue IELTS speaking practice in our next lesson. See you later! |
hiro様より 会員No.4491 男性 |
Thank you very much!!!I liked your lesson!!!I enjoyed your lesson!!!See you next time!!! |
Nako様より 会員No.980 女性 |
語彙の説明が上手です。今日も沢山のことを学びました。適当に流すことなく、きちんと直してもらえるので、安心して間違えられます。 |
Runa様より 会員No.4043 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. Today I enjoyed reading about Japan’s new Gengo, “Reiwa”. It was great because I got to know about Japans new Gengo in English! It was great, because I could talk about this more with other English! teachers. I’m excited to learn more about the world, and talk about it with more teachers |
hiro様より 会員No.4491 男性 |
THank you very much!!!I liked your lesson!!!I enjoyed your lesson!!!See you next time!!! |
hiro様より 会員No.4491 男性 |
Thank you very much!!!I liked your lesson!!!I enjoyed your lesson!!!See you next time!!! |
hiro様より 会員No.4491 男性 |
Thank you very much!!!I liked your lesson!!!I enjoyed your lesson!!!See you nexr time!!! |
Nako様より 会員No.980 女性 |
今日もネイティブにしか分からない、大切な事柄を教えていただきました。 それに、可算名詞・不可算名詞が苦手ですが、いつもちゃんと指摘してもらえるので有難いです。 同じ間違いをしても、根気よく直してくれる優しい先生です。 |
Akiko様より 会員No.15338 女性 |
Thank you for lesson. You were very kind to tell me how to give students lessons in English. But my listening ability lacked, so I couldn't catch well. Only I could catch what you said was, "To speak daily English every time" (maybe). Since that day, I ask them questions concerning the topic in textbooks. I want to speak more naturally! |
Runa様より 会員No.4043 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. Today I enjoyed reading and talking about cars with you. Also thinking about the future was like doing social studies. I am hoping to read more stories about the environment. |
匿名様より 会員No.18346 女性 |
Thank you so much for your lesson! I enjoyed talking with you and decided to take your lesson regularly. I would appreciate it if you could kindly correct my grammatical errors during our lesson, because there is currently no one who lets me know whether my English is all right or not. I'm looking forward to seeing you next week or in two weeks. Thank you! |
Runa様より 会員No.4043 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. It was fun talking about idioms. There were a lot of it and some were so funny that I couldn't forget!! I hope to know more about idioms!!!! |
Runa様より 会員No.4043 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. Today I enjoyed reading about cars. It looked very interesting, because I can learn and know more then I learned at school. And I am excited to read more stories, and learning more! |
Nako様より 会員No.980 女性 |
言葉のチョイスがいつも通り勉強になりました。 熱心でとても信頼出来る先生です。 |
hiro様より 会員No.4491 男性 |
Thank you very much!!!I liked your lesson!!!I enjoyed your lesson!!!See you next time!!! |
hiro様より 会員No.4491 男性 |
Thank you very much!!!I liked your lesson!!!I enjoyed your lesson!!!See you next time!!! |
hiro様より 会員No.4491 男性 |
Thank you very much!!!I liked your lesson!!!I enjoyed your lesson!!!See you next time!!! |
hiro様より 会員No.4491 男性 |
Thank you very much!!!I liked your lesson!!!I enjoyed your lesson!!!See you next time!!! |
hiro様より 会員No.4491 男性 |
Thank you very much!!!I liked your lesson!!!I enjoyed talking about the zoo and the funny donkey!!!See you next time!!! |
Hiro様より 会員No.16264 男性 |
Thank you so much! To keep his concentration is the issue. |
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