お気に入り登録数: 1027
名前 | Fergal B. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | アイルランド |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Ryo様より 会員No.2832 男性 |
Thank you for the good lesson as always and vocabulary notes. See you next time. Have a nice evening. |
Taiki様より 会員No.19779 男性 |
He will review every lesson. The son's speaking is low level, but this teacher helps to increase his son's conversation and vocabulary. |
Runa様より 会員No.4043 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson today. Today we practiced more about personification. It was like the time flew by, that we were only able to do the practice. I am really happy to have your lessons. I hope to see you soon! |
Taiki様より 会員No.19779 男性 |
He is a very kind teacher. I am very happy with the lesson. |
Yuki様より 会員No.17789 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson see you next lesson |
Yuki様より 会員No.17789 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson see you next lesson |
Yuki様より 会員No.17789 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson see you next lesson |
Taiki様より 会員No.19779 男性 |
Thank you. My son is having a very enjoyable lesson. |
Ryo様より 会員No.2832 男性 |
Thank you for the good lesson and vocabulary notes. Ryo said he learned a lot every lesson. Thank you again. See you next time. |
Nako様より 会員No.980 女性 |
どんな話題にも柔軟に対応していただけます。会話中も、きちんと直してもらえるので生産的です。長文記事は気の毒だと思い、短いものを送ったら、全然気にしなくて良いと言ってくださり、いつもながら熱心さを感じます。 毎回の役立つ学習ポイントを押さえたフィードバックに加え、定期的に復習用ファイルを送って下さるので、有難いです。 |
Harumi様より 会員No.2630 女性 |
Thanks for choosing another interesting topic to talk about today. If I was a child, I would have liked to try the camel milk but my mother wouldn't have been very happy because of the price!!! Have a lovely week and see you soon :) |
Taiki様より 会員No.19779 男性 |
毎回、この先生は前回のボキャブラリーの復習をしてくださいます。 大変、熱心に指導してくださって私たちは満足しています。 Every time, this teacher will review the previous vocabulary. We are very happy to be very enthusiastic. |
Taiki様より 会員No.19779 男性 |
The nine-year-old son was happy to talk a lot. He also booked a lesson on his own. It is a teacher who can feel relieved. |
Ryo様より 会員No.2832 男性 |
Thank you so much for the good lesson as always, Teacher Fergal. Also, the review materials which are very helpful. Ryo always enjoys have lessons with you and learns a lot from you. Have a nice evening and see you next time. |
Taiki様より 会員No.19779 男性 |
Today's son did not know the English word he wanted to convey, and could not explain it. But while using photos of the Vatican, he led the story and taught his son politely. Thank you very much. |
Taiki様より 会員No.19779 男性 |
9の息子がはじめて体験しました。 とてもやさしく、話題も息子に合わせてくれて、会話もスムーズでした。 まだまだ、Speaking力、ボキャブラリーの少ない息子ですが、 この先生なら毎日レッスンしたいと言っていました。 |
Yuki様より 会員No.17531 女性 |
とっても気さくで優しい先生で、安心してレッスンできました。 |
匿名様より 会員No.18346 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson today! Today's topic was a bit complicated for me and I forgot what I was talking about during the conversation, but you kindly gave me advice. Thank you for your help and I hope you have a wonderful weekend! |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Today, thank you for asking him about his trip! See you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.14319 女性 |
Thank you for answering all of my questions precisely! |
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