お気に入り登録数: 1027
名前 | Fergal B. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | アイルランド |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Keith様より 会員No.6019 男性 |
Welcome back, Mr. Fergal! I would like to try various article, so please share article that you are interested in. I am looking forward to take your next lesson. |
Keith様より 会員No.6019 男性 |
same as present comment. |
Sati様より 会員No.4098 女性 |
Thank you! It was nice talking to you again. You listened to me carefully and patiently. See you soon. |
匿名様より 会員No.5814 女性 |
I appreciate you for teaching English today.Your smile makes me fun and relax.I enjoyed your lesson!Take care of yourself. |
Keith様より 会員No.6019 男性 |
Same as present comment. |
Keith様より 会員No.6019 男性 |
Thank you for your today's lesson. Have a nice day and I am looking forward to take your lesson again! Thanks and best regards, Kichisuke |
Yukiko様より 会員No.5269 女性 |
Thank you for today's lesson. It was my first lesson with Fergal, so I felt a bit nervous. You were so gentle, and listened to me carefully. I really appreciate your comment. See you again! |
Keith様より 会員No.6019 男性 |
Same as previous one. |
Keith様より 会員No.6019 男性 |
Thank you for your today's lesson. I really enjoyed it. Today's article is familiar with me, because I had trading business in my ex company. I am looking forward to see you again. Thanks, take care. |
Noriko様より 会員No.5367 女性 |
Thank you for the nice lesson,Fergal. First,you asked me about weekpoins of my English. You gave me an article and we studied it. It was fun. I hope to see you again and take care. |
Kotoe様より 会員No.4898 女性 |
Thank you always for the high quality lesson.挨拶が終わるといきなり前回の授業で間違った発音と理解が怪しかった単語をいくつかタイプされて、はい!発音してみて!と言われて焦った。ちゃんと復習してるか確認されたっぽい。この先生優しいけど良い意味で気が抜けないです。 |
Keith様より 会員No.6019 男性 |
same as present comment. |
Keith様より 会員No.6019 男性 |
Thank you for your today's lesson. It was good article that we red today, I can understand what happened in the world economy. I will review some word which you pointed out and input it into my OS. I am looking forward to take your next lesson. Have a good day, take care. |
Keith様より 会員No.6019 男性 |
Thank you for today's lesson. I am going to prepare the party and I will send you a picture of it. Have a good day, take care. |
Keith様より 会員No.6019 男性 |
same as present comment. |
Keith様より 会員No.6019 男性 |
Thank you for your today's lesson. I am going to have a christmas party with my brother, sister, and their family. I will show the picture of the party in next lesson. Enjoy weekend and see you next time!! |
Keith様より 会員No.6019 男性 |
Same as previous comment. |
Keith様より 会員No.6019 男性 |
Thank you for today's lesson. I will try hard to reading skill more, and speaking as well. See you next lesson in tomorrow. |
Kotoe様より 会員No.4898 女性 |
I deeply understood today's lesson thanks to your explanation.To explain some words by my own words was good practice to express in English for me.NHKラジオ英会話の教材を初めてお願いしました。辞書で調べても分からない表現部分を先生に確認しました。語彙の説明も例文を交えて説明してくれたので凄い分かりやすくて理解力が深まりました。 生徒評価の欄に私が間違った発音、語彙の理解が怪しい単語を全部書き込んでくれました。これは復習に役立ちそうです。あと、この単語に意味は何?説明してみて!と言われます。少し焦りましたが、これはスピーキングの練習になりました。もっと人気出ても良いのに…と個人的には思ってます。 |
Yoko様より 会員No.5099 女性 |
Thank you for the enjoyable lesson as usual! |
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