お気に入り登録数: 105
名前 | Grozdana V. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | Austria |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
匿名様より 会員No.7700 |
We talked about GMO foods. There is a labeling law in Japan, but there are loopholes. In the US, GMO foods are so common, and they don't have to label if GMO foods are contained. I made many mistakes in the lesson, but she patiently showed good expressions. Thank you very much! |
Masako様より 会員No.13749 女性 |
Today, we used an internet text about "Payment Request". I learned new words and phrases. Thank you, Grozdana. |
Aki様より 会員No.8951 男性 |
Thank you very much for our lesson. I enjoyed our lesson. This lesson is very tough and very difficult for me. |
Sati様より 会員No.4098 女性 |
Hi! It was really good talking with you. Since it was our first lesson, I was really nervous but you were so kind to listen carefully to me. Thank you and see you soon! |
Toyo様より 会員No.12790 女性 |
The time for class exceeds it, and I am sorry. I enjoyed talking with you. Thank for your teaching me. Looking forward to it again next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.7700 |
It was our first lesson. She spoke very clearly and gave me time to understand well. So, I enjoyed the lesson very much. See you next! |
Takako様より 会員No.9021 女性 |
I enjoyed her lesson very much. Her explanations about English grammar was very clear and easy to understand. She asked a lot of questions and urge me to speak a lot. Thank you very much. |
Yuki様より 会員No.13963 女性 |
While only 25 minutes, I thought she was very intelligent and knowledgeable about various areas and because of that our free conversation went very smoothly and interesting. I was able to enjoy talking about topics that I requested in advance. Thank you for the lesson! |
Tatsuya様より 会員No.14121 男性 |
本当にいい先生 |
Takako様より 会員No.2008 女性 |
Teacher Grozdana's explanations were so clear and to the point that I was able to get clearly what the article we read in our lesson. The topic she picked for the lesson was really interesting. I enjoyed reading it. I had a great time. Thank you for such an interesting lesson. |
Toyo様より 会員No.12790 女性 |
Thank for your teaching me. It was very fun to be able to talk with you a lot. Looking forward to it again next time. |
Masako様より 会員No.13749 女性 |
Today we used internet text and I practiced answering phone call. Sometime my words don't come out at all. I think this is more difficult than telling my own opinion about something. It was very good practice. Thank you! |
Yoko様より 会員No.13939 女性 |
She is a good teacher. She is kindly and friendly. Thank you to speak me! |
Masako様より 会員No.13749 女性 |
This time, we used a teaching material of a want ad. To answering the inquiry is difficult, but she waited for me with patience until words had come out. It was very good lesson. Thank you! |
Toyo様より 会員No.12790 女性 |
Thank for your teaching me. It was fun to be able to talk with you. You had the patience to hear me out. I was able to talk calmly. Looking forward to it again next time |
Eiji様より 会員No.5799 男性 |
Thank you very much for today. I enjoyed talking with you again. We covered the articles in paper and I asked a lot of questions. Thanks to you instruction and explanation, my understanding of the articles was improved. See you soon, Grozdana-san. |
Eiji様より 会員No.5799 男性 |
Thank you very much for your class. Thanks to your clear explanation, I could understand words and phrases that I did not understand. Thank you again, Grozdana-san. |
Yuko様より 会員No.5762 女性 |
Thank you for your great lesson, Grozdana. I really appreciate your teaching style; i.e., trying to let the student speak as much as possible. I was able to practice speaking a lot in the short 25-min. lesson. See you soon! |
Masako様より 会員No.13749 女性 |
Grozdana is warmhearted and gentle. She respects me what and how I would like to do. I asked to her to correcting my grammer and to tell me her thought 'cause I would never got hurt. Thank you for your lesson! Have a happy New Year!! |
Masako様より 会員No.13749 女性 |
She is a very good person and also a good teacher. Highly recommended to a begginer to advanced learner! |
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