お気に入り登録数: 239
名前 | Michelle L. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | フィリピン |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
aya様より 会員No.20448 女性 |
This was the first time talk with Michelle. I feel easy to talk with her, she was eager to listen to me and made me to speak more. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
Walking with Michelle at Kyoto. Eikan-do temple. Path of the philosopher I walked too much. It was good for my health. Without Michelle, I wouldn't go out to Kyoto. Conversation with her keeps me young and healthy. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
Kyoto walking with Michelle. It's like an online-date. Practice English and walking. It's good for my body and mind. |
匿名様より 会員No.23988 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson today. I'm glad you seemed to be well. Please be careful until you are in best condition. See you next time! |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
cute cuter cutest Michell corrected my mistake. Michelle is the cutest of the three. Michelle, Youtube girl, a flight attendant., I plan to take Michelle to the OsakaJyo-caste after she comes back at Eigox. Autumn leaves are very beautiful at this season. Can I be a good guide ? |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
cute cuter cutest My judgment draw funny funnier funniest Michelle Overwhelming victory take care of yourself. I hope to see funnier Michelle. |
Kei様より 会員No.9285 男性 |
Hello, thank you for wonderful lesson!! I enjoyed your class so much. See you next class! いつも楽しいレッスンと受けています。フレンドリーで優しい先生です。 |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
I found an English teacher similar to Michelle on Youtube. Michelle is cute, but she is also very cute. Now let Michelle decide which one is cute next time. What's clear is that Michelle is Cutie funny. |
匿名様より 会員No.5368 女性 |
とても話しやすく、様々な会話が出来て楽しいです。また、レベルに合ったテキストも紹介してくれました。 |
匿名様より 会員No.23988 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. After all, I thought Japan was the safest country. We can walk around anytime. I hope you will recover soon after surgery! See you next lesson. |
miki様より 会員No.23967 女性 |
英語の文書の添削をレッスンの後、時間外でしてくれました。ありがとうございました。 |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
First I'm glad you can keep your ca job. And take care of your throat. Before you are taking break I'll have about 2 lessons from Michell. After you come back to Eigox, I'll have another monthly lesson. |
shinke様より 会員No.27933 男性 |
非常に分かりやすい英語と日常会話で便利な言い回しを教えてもらえました。 |
匿名様より 会員No.17111 男性 |
Had a fun lesson w/ her as always. Look forward to having your lesson next time! |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
I had a business at Osaka Station in Osaka. After the meeting, I chat with Michelle, showing around the station and Grand Front Osaka. I wanted to show Kindai University's aqua farming of Tuna fish shop. It has a good reputation as good as natural tuna fish. Michell show great interest on food shops. |
匿名様より 会員No.23988 男性 |
Thank you for today's lesson. The bird I had in my childhood was a budgerigar. Sorry, I didn't know that name. After reading today's article, I decided to be careful not to use swear words on a regular basis(^_^.) See you next lesson. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
老人向けのボケ対策のゲームを彼女とやりました。 一人が話し他が全く関係のない文章を言う。 また相手が全く関係のない文章を言う。 できる限り早く言う。 それの繰り返しだ。 ”あ!後ろにゴキブリが・・・” 彼女は動じなかった。 やはり英語では難しかった。 時間がかかった。 |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
I had a break for a few weeks so I met Michelle for the first time in a while. A fun conversation continues. I think it's very good for mental health. A Moderate exercise and moderate chat with Michell are two wheels for my healthy life. |
Risa様より 会員No.23507 女性 |
レッスンの初めにフィリピンのフルーツなどを紹介してくださるのでとても興味深いです。 |
匿名様より 会員No.23988 男性 |
Thank you for today's lesson. I want to live longer like today's article. But I also love sweets, so it can be difficult to achieve(^_^.) See you next time. |
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