お気に入り登録数: 77
名前 | Cole V. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | 南アフリカ |
現住国 | South Africa |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 入門 |
匿名様より 会員No.45871 男性 |
とても明るくて話しやすいです。 先生の授業が楽しくて25分があっという間に終わってしまいます。 |
Nami様より 会員No.10227 女性 |
優しい口調で、丁寧に接してくれました。発音もきれいです。 講師側のネット環境のせいか、途中、何度か回線が切れて、レッスンが中断されてしまったのが気になりましたが・・・ それが無ければ問題ないです。 |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In a bleak afternoon Cole and I had yet another great lesson. Today we talked about if we are ripe for a sentient robot in the near future. Japan should play a vital role in promoting nuclear disarmaments as the sole victim of atomic bombings. Empathetic listening is the key ingredient of successful marital and parent-child relationships. Individual privacy outweighs the public right to know except in the case of coverage of political corruption. Nuclear disarmament efforts are a political imperative. Alcohol is a necessary evil. Nuclear power is a double-edged sword. There is a trade-off between her career and her family. There is a trade-off between product quality and profit. There is a trade-off between welfare and economic development. Cole thank you very much for the lesson. |
Sakura様より 会員No.9993 女性 |
ネットの不具合が少々ありましたが、とても分かりやすい先生でした。特に笑顔が素敵で、笑ってくれると、こちらもやる気が出ます。 |
Ron様より 会員No.45422 女性 |
I had a good lesson, and I enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun. Thank you. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In the gathering dusk Cole and I had yet another great lesson. Today we talked about after we got through the Covid pandemic we walked away with a valuable lesson. It is a highly controversial issue whether or not nuclear power generation should be promoted. There have been a lot of discussions and debates about whether or not same-sex marriage should be legalized. There is a growing tendency toward studying abroad among young people in the world. There is a growing awareness that the mass media gives too much coverage to the private lives of famous people. It is often pointed out that science and technology allow students to obtain various kinds of information very quickly. There are both advantages and disadvantages to the seniority system, but I think that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Some people argue that national identity is becoming less important ion today`s global society, and other people don`t. Personally, I believe that national identity is losing its importance. Cole thank you very much for the lesson. |
AKI様より 会員No.22567 男性 |
Thank you always! I really appreciate you for giving lessons that match my goals. Your passion and dedication inspire me to work even harder🔥🔥🔥 |
kiyo様より 会員No.41154 男性 |
コール先生は、私が強化すべきことを見極めて、わかりやすく楽しいレッスンをしてくれます。同じ箇所で何回もつまずき、何回も繰り返し同じことを聞いても、理解できるまで諦めずに教えてくれます。 最高の先生です! これからもよろしくお願いします! Cole-sensei identifies the areas I need to improve and provides clear and enjoyable lessons. Even when I struggle with the same part multiple times and ask the same question over and over, he never gives up and keeps teaching until I understand. He is the best teacher! I look forward to continuing our lessons together! |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In the glow of sunset Cole and I had yet another lesson. Today I`ve learned some words as boop and pick it up. But for your help I wouldn`t have finished the project. There are some people are endowed with an undeniable talent. I wish I could be one of them. Money disappears as if it sprouted wings and flew away. Cole` s witty answers always knock my socks off. We shouldn`t pry into other people`s affairs. Unwind and enjoy the good things in life. Your secret weapon is your awareness. It`s forged by the ability to think with care. Sometimes it`s your friends that keeps your enemies updated. Cole thank youi very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.45315 男性 |
今回私は、彼とお互いの国の文化について情報交換をしました。 色々と興味深い話がきけてよかったです。 私は彼の発音をうまく聞き取れない傾向があるので、スムーズに聞き取れるようになるまで練習してみたいと思います。 I enjoyed our conversation about our cultures, and I learned a lot of interesting things, especially about alcoholic beverages. I sometimes have a little trouble understanding his pronunciation, but I'm determined to improve my listening skills so I can understand him better in the future. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In a breezy afternoon Cole and I had yet another great lesson. Today Cole taught me some phrases as See eye to eye. Violence and crime often stem from poverty. The prime minister wriggled out of answering the questions. Thick clouds were blotting out the stars. The president railed against the greed of investment banks. She barged through the crowd to me. The factory is cranking out heaps of pairs of shoes each day. The suspect was coerced into confessing. Children are prone to injury. I heaped the stacks of hay as high as the roof. Cole thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.32651 男性 |
Thank you. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In a dreary winter afternoon Cole and I had our first lesson, so we were just shooting the breeze and having fun. Her presentation was succinct and to the point. Neighbors made frantic attempts to rescue him. He lived an austere life as a monk. The biggest danger lies in becoming complacent. Thank you very much for the lesson. |
Yotaro様より 会員No.8877 男性 |
Cole-san, thank you for very nice lesson. I really enjoyed talking a lot of about RSA. I'm honored to see you. I want to learn more your country. I hope to see you very soon. |
匿名様より 会員No.45315 男性 |
I realized lacking my English skills. However, I enjoyed the conversation. I'd like to improve my English and try to have a conversation with him again. |
匿名様より 会員No.36030 男性 |
とてもしっかりとしたレッスンでした。 |
匿名様より 会員No.20613 男性 |
Thanks for your awesome lesson! |
Sakura様より 会員No.9993 女性 |
とても笑顔が素敵な人でした。 |
匿名様より 会員No.45422 女性 |
英語のリスニング・ヘアリングでの理解がうまく出来ず勘違いが少しありました レッスンの前にきちんとお知らせをしてしておくべきでした |
匿名様より 会員No.4303 女性 |
今日は初めての先生でした。日本語を学習し始めたそうで、お互いの国の教育制度について話しました。ありがとうございました。 |
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