お気に入り登録数: 315
名前 | Joanna C. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | Japan |
キッズ | |
日本語 | ネイティブ |
Yoshihito様より 会員No.12507 男性 |
The lesson for the first time in a while. I was enjoy talking about the present situation each other. |
Nori様より 会員No.12207 男性 |
Talked about latest issue and plan to weekend. And also topic was NK denuke performance. Discussion of political issue is really educational. Her smile is always remedy. Thanks Joanna. |
Itsuki様より 会員No.11386 男性 |
息子はいつもリラックスして楽しくレッスンを受けています。ありがとうございます。 |
Nori様より 会員No.12207 男性 |
It was fun as always. Today's topic is gun shooting incident in Texas. Gun control is much needed in US. Because radical people still exist all over the US. If I have chance, go further on this discussion. |
Itsuki様より 会員No.11386 男性 |
Thanks for teaching.My son is not cofident in reading.but It is getting better because of your help! |
Nori様より 会員No.12207 男性 |
Today we talked about recent controversial political issue. We can discuss far deeper. I wish I could talk more fluently. She always encourage me. She is my best teacher ever. |
Itsuki様より 会員No.11386 男性 |
He had a good time with your lesson.After lesson He said 「Time flies」Thank you! |
Seon様より 会員No.12513 男性 |
Thank you very much for the lesson. See you. |
Emon様より 会員No.14595 男性 |
Thank you for talking about many things.It was very FUN!See you next time! |
yuzuki様より 会員No.11732 女性 |
I really like your lessons,joanna.Time flies by so fast since the lesson are so much fun.I want to be able to talk more.I'd like to take lessons regularly. |
Itsuki様より 会員No.11386 男性 |
This lesson was good for listening practice. My son understood well.because She is good teacher. Thank you! |
Itsuki様より 会員No.11386 男性 |
Thank you for the comment. You could guess what he wanted to say.It is really helpful for him. Thanks again. |
Nori様より 会員No.12207 男性 |
It was great time to talk to her. Talked about wide varieties of topics from Bruno Mars to how to prevent Isis controversial recruitment. Her smile make me relieved as always. Can't wait next lesson. |
Itsuki様より 会員No.11386 男性 |
My son was happy to see you again! He always enjoyed your lesson! Thank you. |
Nori様より 会員No.12207 男性 |
I love the way she talk. She's always smily. And also today's topic was also interesting. It was the latest Facebook's another scandal. It's fun to hear her opinion that inspire me. Looking forward to next lessons. |
Itsuki様より 会員No.11386 男性 |
Thanks for making a wonderful book!!!! That was awesome! We like it very much! Thanks again. |
Nori様より 会員No.12207 男性 |
It was a wonderful meeting her again. I talked last night's live and Prince. After chatting a while, got started the lesson. Today's lesson was the latest scandal of Facebook leaking. That's horrible. She always is smily and cute. Everyone can easily fall in love, I guess. |
koharu様より 会員No.11301 女性 |
ありがとうございました。 レッスンが楽しかったようで、終わってすぐに「またレッスンしたい」と言ってました。 またよろしくお願い致します |
Itsuki様より 会員No.11386 男性 |
Thanks for teaching! He had a good time to make a story! He loves your lesson♪ |
Nori様より 会員No.12207 男性 |
Today, she changed hear color and style. That's neat! She is always cheerful and cute. |
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