お気に入り登録数: 315
名前 | Joanna C. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | Japan |
キッズ | |
日本語 | ネイティブ |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson! Look forward to your next American pronunciation lesson! |
匿名様より 会員No.4303 女性 |
今日も新しい表現や単語の意味の違いを学習しました。役に立つレッスンでした。ありがとうございました。 |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! Look forward to your American pronunciation training and I’ll see you soon^^ |
Nori様より 会員No.12207 男性 |
Thank you as always. Today, we chatted recent topics about buying new house and shopping Costco etc... It's fun to talk. Take care, Joanna. |
Nori様より 会員No.12207 男性 |
Not to mention, she's absolutely wonderful teacher ever. She's been giving constant morning lesson for years, and I appreciate for her effort. Thank you so much, Joanna. |
匿名様より 会員No.4303 女性 |
今日も色々な役に立つ表現を教えて貰いました。ありがとうございました。 |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! Look forward to your next American pronunciation practicing and I’ll see you next time soon^^ |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! Look forward to your next American pronunciation training and I’ll see you soon^^ |
匿名様より 会員No.4303 女性 |
体調がすぐれない中、頑張ってレッスンして下さいました。新しい語彙は学びましたが、心配です。お体大切になさって下さい。ありがとうございました。 |
Nori様より 会員No.12207 男性 |
The lesson for today is Tesla new robot. According the news, they are targeting introduction of the robot is 2027. I'm looking forward to it. |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! Look forward to your strict linking drill for the l and r sound on next lesson. I’ll see you next time! |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! I’ll try to sound lazy, dropping and linking sound. Hope you have the wonderful rest of the weekend and I’ll see you next time soon! |
Nori様より 会員No.12207 男性 |
We're still on movie script of "The Social Network". The scene was that Mark is making a crawler which sneak into college network. The script explains the detail of the scene which make me remind what it was. Thanks for the interesting lesson, Joanna. |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! I’ll keep practicing American pronunciation and I’ll see you next time soon! |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! I’ll keep practicing American pronunciation and I’ll see you next time soon! |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! I’ll keep practicing American pronunciation and I’ll see you next time soon! |
匿名様より 会員No.4303 女性 |
今日は、普段話さないトピックだったので、言葉に詰まる事が多く、上達の道は長いと感じ、学習する物が多かったレッスンでした。ありがとうございました。 |
Nori様より 会員No.12207 男性 |
We watched The Social Network with subtitle in Japanese and English. Even though there's so many difficult idiom and phrases, we've completed. Thanks Joanna as always. |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! I’ll keep practicing American pronunciation and I’ll see you next time soon! |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! I’ll keep practicing American pronunciation and I’ll see you next time soon! |
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