お気に入り登録数: 252
名前 | Dilhara P. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | オーストラリア |
現住国 | Australia |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 上級 |
dogwood様より 会員No.7263 女性 |
I had a good time as usual. Your advice is helpful to upgrade my English. See you soon!! |
Hisa様より 会員No.11477 男性 |
Thank you always for the wonderful lesson. You are always so kind and polite. See you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.6683 女性 |
Thank you for the fun and informative lesson. I enjoyed it and learned a lot. Look forward to seeing you soon. |
Yoshimi様より 会員No.11199 女性 |
In this lesson Dilhara prepared a photo of a house and we described about what we can see in the photo. Because the housing style is quite different from houses I'm familiar with, it was a bit difficult to describe it. But as Dilhara showed me example, I could understand how to explain the details. Thank you for the lesson and I was sorry that Skype video shutted down... I figured out how to recover it so it'll be okay for next lesson. See you soon! |
Yoshi様より 会員No.5830 男性 |
We talked about some topics today such as Australian novels, writers, Australian English expressions etc. They were so enjoyable. |
Hisa様より 会員No.11477 男性 |
Your lesson is always great. Thank you so much. See you next week. |
Yuka様より 会員No.3418 女性 |
It was nice talking to you! Dilhara helped me to practice my speaking. I like your lesson style since I can practice speaking, learn new words and you correct my English. It was helpful! Look forward to talking to you next time :) |
匿名様より 会員No.11814 女性 |
大変聡明で、忍耐強い素晴らしい先生です。今後ともよろしくお願い致します。 |
匿名様より 会員No.6683 女性 |
Hi Dilhara, thank you for the interesting lesson. It was a little difficult and I learnd a lot. I'd like to have another lesson this way again. See you soon. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thank you very much for your information. See you next time. |
Hisa様より 会員No.11477 男性 |
Your lesson is always fun. Thank you so much. |
匿名様より 会員No.11814 女性 |
英会話力の乏しい娘を上手に導いて下さります。 どう答えて良いのか分からず、無言になる事が多々ある娘ですが、先生の授業だと、そのような事は一切無く、先生が、充実した25分を提供して下さいます。ありがとうございます。 |
Hisa様より 会員No.11477 男性 |
She said it was a wonderful lesson. We would like to book your class again. Thank you so much. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thank you very much for checking my sentences. See you next time. |
Hisa様より 会員No.11477 男性 |
Thank your for your lesson. Your explanation for words is so clear. See you next week. |
Yoshimi様より 会員No.11199 女性 |
In this lesson, Dilhara gave me a list of words to describe a person. I knew many of them, but it was good to know how to use them by connecting with specific description. He described his friend and I described my favorite actor. Thank you for the lesson and see you soon! |
dogwood様より 会員No.7263 女性 |
Your article was effective to upgrade my skill. I'm looking forward to seeing you. |
Risa様より 会員No.6090 女性 |
ディルハラ先生に半年ほどお世話になっています。先生のおかげで企業の英会話面接を通過できました。面接の練習をお願いして、毎日練習に付き合っていただいたおかげです。先生はこちらの求めているレッスンを提供しようとしてくださいます。とてもいい先生に出会うことが出来ました。英語が全く話せない私に呆れることもなく、きちんと向き合ってくださいます。日本語もわかっていただけて安心です。これからもよろしくお願いします。本当に感謝しています。 |
Risa様より 会員No.6090 女性 |
とてもいい先生です。大好きなのでこれからもずっと先生に習いたいです。 |
Yoshimi様より 会員No.11199 女性 |
We continued talking about housing in Australia and Japan from last time. It was interesting to know difference and similarities depends on each country. I talked about my favorite Japanese events as well. I found difficulty describing my own culture in English. So I want to think how to introduce Japanese culture well. Thank you for the lesson! |
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