お気に入り登録数: 140
名前 | Irene R. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | U.S.A. |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 入門 |
mucho様より 会員No.2881 男性 |
i want to improve my listning ability. i didn't catch some words she said and words are enough familiar to me. |
mucho様より 会員No.2881 男性 |
when she speaks fast it is hard to understand for me but it is practical.i cound't speak out what i have already had to say in my brain. |
mucho様より 会員No.2881 男性 |
i want to understand more what she's talking but sometimes it's too fast for me. |
mucho様より 会員No.2881 男性 |
she always makes effort to not boreling a student. make preparation for the lesson. |
TOKA様より 会員No.2494 女性 |
We talked about the U.S.A. and Japan.I couldn't talk so well at first.But,I could talk so well about Okinawa and hokkaido. |
mucho様より 会員No.2881 男性 |
when she speaks fast it is hard to understand but it can be my listning practice, then shen can speaks slowly.she seems to prepare for the lesson evry time. i will keep taking her lessons when it is available.internet connection has no any problem today. |
匿名様より 会員No.2748 女性 |
Thank you so much. |
TOKA様より 会員No.2494 女性 |
I enjoyed the lesson! And her lesson is easy to understand.I could be relaxed. |
匿名様より 会員No.2399 |
I was sad to say that you cut out when we talk.If possible,I would like you to upgrade your Internet.It is not your fault though.Thank you. |
mucho様より 会員No.2881 男性 |
She's always prepareing what topics we are going to talk and made many questions, so her lessons are going very smoothly and it can be useful to improve my listing ability as well as speking. Buy internet connection is very poor. I want to fix this problem soon. |
mucho様より 会員No.2881 男性 |
いろいろ質問をしてくれたので、リスニングの練習になった。ただ、スカイプが数回落ちて、中断することが多く、時間のロスが結構あった。 |
mucho様より 会員No.2881 男性 |
初回につき、自己紹介とかいろいろ質問されて終わり。新しい講師の時はこういう質問が煩わしい。講師の感じは良かった。また、トライしてみてもよい。実際のレッスンはどうか?は分からない。 |
Aki-san様より 会員No.1274 女性 |
I had a good time talking with Irene. She asked me many questions, and I enjoyed answering them. After the lesson, I found that the "Mitsuwa" store used to be "Yaohan" which I often went to. Thank you for the information and a wonderful talk. |
Yuki様より 会員No.2708 女性 |
Although we had some trouble on the internet, we talked various topics. I enjoyed her lesson as usual. Thank you, Irene. |
Yumi様より 会員No.2516 女性 |
I did a lot of reading practice in this lesson.It was easy to catch what she was saying because her speaking was very clear. |
Yuki様より 会員No.1785 女性 |
Thank you. Her lesson is always fun and helpful:) |
匿名様より 会員No.570 男性 |
I thank you for your interesting and fluent lesson. I really enjoy it every time. |
Yuki様より 会員No.1785 女性 |
Thank you for helpful lesson always:) |
匿名様より 会員No.335 |
英語力を鍛えたいという希望を伝えると、かなりネイティブ・スピードに近い速さで、テンポよく質問を投げかけてくれたので緊張感を保って、中身の濃いトレーニングをすることができました。Thank you Irene, you are a very professional trainer! |
Yuki様より 会員No.2708 女性 |
I had a good time talking to Irene for the first time. She was fun to talk to and a good listener. I appreciate her evaluation on me. I will keep learning English! |
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