お気に入り登録数: 111
名前 | Jeffrey R. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | U.S.A. |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 上級 |
匿名様より 会員No.20227 女性 |
とても優しい先生です。また受けようと思いました |
Moto様より 会員No.23480 男性 |
This is my second lesson with him. I tell you that I enjoyed every moment of conversation with him. I learned new things from the conversation with him, which led to a new topic we may talk about in the next lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.24588 女性 |
Jeff is a warm‐hearted tutor. I appreciate for the encouragement and his helpful lessons. |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
First, Jeff told me how to maintain a large wooden deck of his house. It was interesting to know about American life. He always showed me a variety of pictures to explain the meaning of new words and phrases. It was so fruitful lessons as always. Thank you, Jeff and see you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.24588 女性 |
Jeff is a kind and gentle tutor. He usually expands the conversation from familiar topics so that I don't get nervous. |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
Today, first Jeff introduced me "memorial day". It was so informative and I could learned American life and society. Then he taught me next three idioms. "be a good catch" "beat around the bush" "bend over backwards" He explained them with easily understandable examples and pictures. Further, I made a small speech answering his questions about education. It was an effective training to improve organizing my ideas. His typing the words and phrases to correct what I said is really beneficial. Thank you Jeff for giving me practical and enjoyable lessons. See you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
Starting from small talk about daily lives pleasantly, I learned and practiced 3 idioms A penny for your thoughts Ball is in somebody’s court Barking up the wrong tree Jeff clearly explained the meaning to me and showed me many helpful pictures to understand the situations. It's very effective. Lastly he asked me questions about education and I answered. When I failed the main point of the question, he gave me his model answer and I could find what I should focus on to answer. And his swift typing for correction really helps me to understand new things. Thank you, Jeff for the exciting lesson and see you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.24588 女性 |
休日の朝は、Jeff先生とおしゃべりを楽しみます。雑談の中でも、しっかり語彙や表現を教えてくださるので、こう使うんだー、と勉強になります。 |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
Today, Jeff gave me a beneficial web site to learn crucial idioms. I learned "a drop in the ocean", "Actions speak louder than words", "add fuel to the fire". They are so cool. Further, he provided me an Japanese article about Japanese online system for booking a vaccination to summarize by myself. It was difficult for me, but I tried my best and this is a good practice to boost up my motivation to learn. Thank you, Jeff for the great lesson with your deep consideration. See you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
We talked about the present situation about the method of getting a vaccination. I was amazed to hear the difference between the U.S. and Japan. How effectively and conveniently the U.S. people can get it! Jeff told me the informative and interesting information and I sometime forgot time passing. Further I practiced making a small speech to answer some questions he provided me. That's a great training. He always gives me correction and proper expressions for my improvement. Thank you, Jeff for enjoyable and helpful lessons. See you next lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.28685 女性 |
I got some corrections as before. I satisfied that and sorry for over time work. l wish I grade up my level. See you soon. |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
It was a fruitful lesson as always. We talked about some topics for our daily lives and he showed a picture to practice describing the situation in it. It was a good practice to improve my speaking skills. Further, he chose the questions about education and I tried my best to express my ideas. Thank you, Jeff for designing the lesson for me. See you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.28685 女性 |
His lesson was polite. I had some unnatural grammar, and he corrected them. I also got some vocabulary through our private conversations. I’m looking forward to seeing on next lesson. |
Toyo様より 会員No.12790 女性 |
優しい先生です。 チャットを使って丁寧に教えてくれるので、 今まで気が付かなかった間違えに気が付くことができました。 日本に住んだことがあり日本語も堪能なので微妙なニュアンスも伝わります。 初心者のかたは勿論分かり易いですが、そうでない方も気が付かない癖がなおせるかもしれません。 |
匿名様より 会員No.30157 男性 |
英会話初心者でも、とても話しやすい先生でした。 |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
In spite of my sudden cancelling the previous lesson, he gave me warm and encouraging words about my mother's sickness. Thank you, Jeff. Today, I answered some questions about health care. They are good questions to think about various topics. And he always gives me helpful feedback. Thank you for your kind and enthusiastic lessons. |
匿名様より 会員No.19441 女性 |
8才の娘が、英語を話せる様にとの思いをこめてレッスンして下さってます。穏やかで丁寧なレッスンだと思います。 |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
Jeffrey always paraphrases what I said to make them more properly or naturally. The feedback is really helpful. Today I answered some questions about Olympics and he checked and gave me the feedback. Thank you, Jeffrey and see you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
It was our first lesson. Jeffrey is a warm and proficient teacher. He smoothly lead to our conversation and inspire my speaking. That's so exciting and enjoyable lesson. Further, his feedback (correcting my words and expressions into proper ones) is really helpful. Thank you, Jeffrey and see you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.20687 女性 |
熱心に指導して下さいました。ただフィードバックが少なめ、当方の英語力評価も他の先生のものと比較して★が3−4個少なかったです。先生ごとに基準が異なるのでしょうが、偏移が大きくて学習者としては混乱しました。 |
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