お気に入り登録数: 961
名前 | Xandra G. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the great lesson. We talked about last weekend to each other. Your English is always very easy to understand. And It's too fun to stop laughing. It couldn't be better. I look forward to talking with you. Take care and good luck! |
匿名様より 会員No.21538 女性 |
もっと間違いを指摘して、それをチャットボックスに残して貰えていたら星5つなんですが、、、ごめんなさい。 |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
Today I asked her to check and correct my sentences. She also taught me the sentence "The efficacy of the vaccine may wane" when I was at a loss what to say in English. Thank you for your kindness! |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the amazing lesson. We also talked about various things today. We're not talking about anything special, but it's always really fun. There are many things that I can sympathize with, and a lot of that I can learn. And I found you a great mother. I've been thinking for a long time though. I look forward to talking with you. Good luck and take care! |
Mayumi様より 会員No.11607 女性 |
今日は最近の日本の状況についてフリートークしました。Xandra先生は日本の状況をよくご存じで、コロナ状況、新首相のこと、真子様関連など、いろいろと話題を振って下さいました。ずっとnewspaper articlesばかり選んでいましたので、こんなレッスンも面白いなと思いました。Xandra先生の発音はきれいで分かり易いです。 Thank you for your wonderful lesson today, Xandra sensei. I enjoyed today's free talk with you. I strongly think I should remember more English words. I hope I will speak more fluently. See you again. |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the wonderful lesson. I told you that I made a pumpkin pie and we talked about autumn season cakes. We never run out of things to talk about foods. I look forward to talking with you. Take care and have a good day. |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
Thank you so much for helping me out! |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
I really appreciate your help. Have a good week:) |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the great lesson. I told you about my sad news. I was depressed before telling you that. But you told me your experiences and gave me some advices. It made me feel happy. Thanks Xandra. I look forward to talking with you. Take care and have a good day. |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
Thank you so much for your great help!!! |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the great lesson. I enjoyed it. I told you about a spring roll called Harumaki. Philippine has a similar food like that. I completely thought it is particular to Japan. But there are a lot of similar dishes all over the world. It's very interesting. I'd like to know the foods like that more and more. Let me know about various foods. Take care of yourself and see you soon. |
匿名様より 会員No.16868 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson! See you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.31700 女性 |
リピート率や、レッスン回数が断トツだったので、レッスンを受けましたが、レッスンの内容は普通でした。 新しい、単語や言い回しなど指摘もなく普通でした。 少しの指摘で、一般的な話をして終わりました。レビューの印象も、人それぞれですね。 |
Yuzuki様より 会員No.32379 男性 |
子供が良かったと言っていたので、良かったです。 |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the great lesson. We talked about a lot of things. For example green papaya, apple cider vinegar, black garlic and so on. Everything is the rare food. It's really fun to talk with you. Because I can discover something new. Thanks as always. Let me know about interesting things again. I look forward to our next lesson. |
yuyu様より 会員No.22200 女性 |
Thank you so much for the very useful lesson, it is very helpful for my interview test practice for Eiken. |
aiai様より 会員No.22122 女性 |
Thank you so much for the very useful lesson, it is very helpful for my interview test practice for Eiken. |
匿名様より 会員No.16868 女性 |
Thank you for the wonderful lesson. I really enjoyed it. See you soon! |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the wonderful lesson. We talked about various drinks and various things. It's as if the scene of story you told me comes to my eyes. Time flies when you're having fun. Take care of yourself and good luck! |
匿名様より 会員No.32666 女性 |
英検準1級の面接試験対策のために、Eigoxの英検用教材を利用して、サンドラ先生のレッスンを受けました。先生のおかげで無事に合格することができました。週に1度、計4回のレッスンでしたが、初めは特に自信がなかった4コマ漫画のナレーションで、本番では15点中14点も取ることができました。最初はaやtheをつけ忘れたり、時制を間違えてしまったり全く出来ていない状態だったので、本当にサンドラ先生のおかげだと思います。このようなビデオ通話での英会話レッスンは初めてだったのですが、先生はとてもフレンドリーで、かつ指摘が的確なのですぐに慣れたし、効率よく学べました。初心者から上級者までおすすめの先生です。 |
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