お気に入り登録数: 49
名前 | Naoko H. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | 日本 |
現住国 | Japan |
キッズ | |
日本語 | ネイティブ |
匿名様より 会員No.31971 女性 |
It's been a bit while since we last talked so we caught up first & had a little chat about recent favorite dramas, movies & books each other which is always a fun part & I'm always looking forward to it. Then she gave me a listening clip about the ending of the corona pandmic which we listened, read & talked togther. I’ts a really timely, impending & hopefully forthcoming issue, & we had a good conversation. I felt a bit embarrassed & ahamed of being not fully prepared for the lesson though, l’m always grateful to Naoko 先生 for giving me a good time. |
匿名様より 会員No.24588 女性 |
Naoko先生のレッスンでは、1人だと逆にスルーしてしまう基本的な部分とか、気付かないツボが刺激されている感じがします。チャット、Feedbackもとても有益で、語彙・表現の復習に役立てています。 |
匿名様より 会員No.6466 女性 |
英検のライティング練習をお願いしました。レッスン時間には、どのように書けばよいのか、流れやポイントを具体的に示して下さり、レッスン終了後には、丁寧に添削したエッセイを送って下さいました。学習者の立場に立った心のこもったご指導をありがとうございました。 |
匿名様より 会員No.24588 女性 |
先生お任せレッスンですと、単調な場合もあります。でもNaoko先生は、適時、私のゴールを再確認し、進捗度に合わせてアレンジしてくれます。英語への悩みは変わったりするので、とてもありがたいと思っています。 |
匿名様より 会員No.31971 女性 |
This time, we started talking about a drama I just finished watching, which was the one she'd recommended the last time & I really enjoyed it. Then she gave me a new task of learning vocabulary about feelings, & trying to imagine & describe the situation of the given pictures using that vocabulary that was interesting & very fun. NAOKO先生 always teaches me more accurate or appropriate words & phrases which are really helpful. |
匿名様より 会員No.24588 女性 |
Naoko sensei's lesson are rich in effective ideas. They should help me improve my speaking skills. She is not only logical, but also friendly and warm-hearted tutor. |
Yuki様より 会員No.29611 男性 |
Thank you for the great lesson. Naoko-Sensei. I consulted a learning method with her because it seemed that I was going astray about it. Since you can't really see the progress yourself, many learners would get frustrated during their learning processes. I'm no exception. She recommended studying for Cambridge Eiken, and it seems like a more suitable step for my goal. I will look into it. In our session, Naoko-Sensei didn't waste any time. I was really impressed by her attitude that she wanted to be of any help to students. I highly appreciate it. |
匿名様より 会員No.24588 女性 |
以前は、レッスンの数打って、なんとなく習った気になっていました。Naoko先生は、自分が主体になること、自分の言葉で伝えることを教えてくださる先生の一人です。私の意見にも真摯に向き合ってくれ、もっとDiscussionを楽しみたい、という気持ちがわいてきます。 |
匿名様より 会員No.31971 女性 |
This time We practiced the task with pictures where we left off which was as usual quite challenging to me though, I find it very helpful & rewarding as well. Since by guessing & speculating the job or life of the people in the picture you can improve your explanation or presentation skills. I really feel like sometimes you need kind of determination to tap into your creative energy so as to push your boundaries & brush up on your English. I'm always gratful to NAOKO先生 for such enlightening lessons & I'd strongly recommend her if you really want to break through your boundaries. |
匿名様より 会員No.24588 女性 |
Naoko先生のレッスンは、自分にとってinspiringです。少しづつですが、英語での考え方ができるようになってきました。素敵な感性をお持ちなので、お話も楽しく、会話からもたくさんのことを学んでいます。 |
匿名様より 会員No.31971 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson again, Naoko 先生! It was a lot of fun as usual. We started talking about dramas, & she recommended a drama which I'm now thinking to watch. Then we set to practice some tasks from Cambridge English Test. I'm still struggling though, I believe it’ll enable me to speak more freely & creatively. I enjoyed |
匿名様より 会員No.24588 女性 |
今日は、Inputの不足を伝え、vocabularyに特化したクラスを組んで頂きました。いつも、悩みに応じて、効果的なアプローチを示してくださいます。ますます自分のゴールへの意欲が湧いてきます。 |
匿名様より 会員No.31971 女性 |
Today, we caught up talking about my mother's birthday party & then resumed the summary & comparison practice of 2 pictures from Cambridge speaking exam. I'm still struggling to give good & appropriate descriptions though, it’s a very interesting useful & stimulating task & I'm enjoying it very much. |
匿名様より 会員No.35745 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. It was nice talking to you. Your class was facinating. I'm interested your class more. I will take your lesson again. Naoko先生のクラスは、文法や英語らしい話し方を身につけるためのレッスンが受けられるため、フリートークと組み合わせて練習を重ねることで英語力を伸ばせそうです。 |
匿名様より 会員No.24588 女性 |
今回は、Listening→Discussion→Describeと、なかなかチャレンジングなクラスでした。Naoko先生のレッスンは、メソッドがあるので、単発の満足感に終わらないところが、自分にとってeffectiveです。そして、英国の話、音楽の話、etc・・いつも楽しみです。 |
匿名様より 会員No.31971 女性 |
This time we started talking about a drama I've been watching & it turned out that she'd watched it before so we shared our thoughts about it. Then she gave me a new task where you explain situations & differences of pairs of pictures. At first, it seemed quite difficult to me, but with her advice & directions I managed to try. NAOKO 先生 said it’s important to try to get out of your comfort zone & be creative if you really want to speak freely & fluently, & I totally agree with it. |
匿名様より 会員No.24588 女性 |
ご自身も、よく勉強なさっている先生だな、と感じます。レビューや資料もuseful。成長を喜んで頂けるので、励みになります。 |
匿名様より 会員No.31971 女性 |
Today we caught up first, talking about a movie I've watched & then moving on to other favorite ones of each other. I also asked about her musical work, as she is a professional musician of electric base guitar, which was very interesting & exiting! As for today's topics, we practiced discussing several appealing points to atract tourists. It was very fun & useful. Naoko先生 always encorages me which makes me highly motivated & I really appreciate it. |
匿名様より 会員No.24588 女性 |
今日は、映画「ローレル・キャニオン」について、ディスカッションを楽しみました。音楽好きの私には、ミュージシャンであるNaoko先生と意見をシェアできるのが、とても楽しいです。内容や、自身の感想をdescribeする、とてもいい練習になりました。好きな分野の話題以外でも、もっと表現力をあげていきたいと思います。 |
匿名様より 会員No.31971 女性 |
This time, I have first tried taking two lessons back to back, & it was very good, fullfilling & I've quite satisfied, so I hope I’ll do that again. We caught up first, practicing how to explain what I'd been watching today. Then we practiced disscussion topics based on Cambridge English exams which was very useful & enlightening for me. Thank you Naoko先生 ! It’d be a pleasure to talk to you again. |
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