お気に入り登録数: 158
名前 | Mehmet P. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | トルコ |
現住国 | Vietnam |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
hagi様より 会員No.35539 女性 |
Thanks always Mehmet I am so enjoyed talking with you Next week,I cant wait...see you on Wednesday My regular teacher💗 |
Take様より 会員No.15201 男性 |
先生が訪問されていたセネガルの話がとても楽しかったです。 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
I prepared a world map and asked Mehmet-sensei which part of Turkey he lives in. It’s “IZMIT” close to “Istanbul”. I heard a lot of thing about his home town from him. I showed my home town “Mito” and “Charm of Natto”. I’m very glad to know that Mehmet-sensei likes to eat natto. He is very interested in my picture story show about natto. |
hagi様より 会員No.35539 女性 |
Thanks Mehmet from Turkey your home town I was so happy to look you so relux and mind warm See you next Wednesday Enjoy much💗 |
Kaito様より 会員No.19726 男性 |
I’m trusting his lesson!! His lesson is always great!! He has great passion and always prepares good materials for my son. My son really likes him. There are many good teacher in eigox however I think he is the best teacher for my son I’ve ever met in Eigox. Thank you so much!! |
hagi様より 会員No.35539 女性 |
Now he is traveling I am lucky talking with him and hear about another country Thanks Mehmet see you next week💗 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
I take Mehmet-sensei’s lesson again. I asked a lot of questions how to use similar words. Some word isn’t similar, thought. He taught me politely and send me example sentences. I’m glad to get them. I have to review them. I’m into watching an American drama “Unforgettable ”. It’s really interesting. I’d like to watch with English sub-title that Meme-sensei recommends me.I’ll try to do my best. |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
I showed some Japanese seasonable flowers to Mehmet-sensei. He taught me that lotus flowers are loved around Turkey when I show them as summer season’s flowers. Lotus fresh seeds and dry seeds are eaten in Turkey. I didn’t know that. Now he is staying in Senegal in west Africa where his friend lives in. He is going back to his hometown soon. Please have a good time. |
hagi様より 会員No.35539 女性 |
This time he is staying in Senegal in Afreca. I could hear the stories. It was so intersting....Thanks Mehmet....see you next time💖 |
Take様より 会員No.15201 男性 |
来週からはアフリカ方面へ行かれるそうです。現地の様子をレッスンでお話しできるのが楽しみです。 |
Nana様より 会員No.20949 女性 |
とても久しぶりのレッスンでしたが、いつも通りしっかり事前に資料を用意してくれていて、楽しいレッスンをしてくれました。 本当に信頼できる先生です。 |
匿名様より 会員No.31701 女性 |
先生は暫くいそがしそうなので、レッスンが取れない時は他の先生にトライしてみます。 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
I met an elementary school teacher who wanted to quit her job as soon as possible several days ago. I advised her how to communicate with her class students. There are a lot of boys and girls who can’t listen to teacher’s instruct, also someone is running around in her class lesson. I know her good points, so I hope she would not leave teaching. I exchanged our opinions with Mehmet-sensei among the differences Turkey, Vietnam and Japan. |
hagi様より 会員No.35539 女性 |
The same |
hagi様より 会員No.35539 女性 |
I like talking with him. Thanks Mehmet I always relax and comfortable He will go to Senegal Africa I want to hear his story.. Thanks every time💖 |
Take様より 会員No.15201 男性 |
ベトナムの学校の教員の特徴などを初めて聞くことができて、とても興味深かったです。 |
匿名様より 会員No.31701 女性 |
毎週土曜日の10時半からの時間は私の気分を上げるビタミン剤になっています。 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
I was so busy these two days. I went to bed at 3 am. Because my close three friends stayed in my house one night. We talked a lot. We couldn’t stop talking, drinking and laughing. I tried to talk about them to Mehmet-sensei. I had nothing to prepare in this lesson. He taught me some correct expressions during listening to my story. Thanks so much. |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
I wanted Mehmet-sensei to check my pronunciations “b-p, f-v, r-l, wh”. I tried to read my real story (almost ) using “Gerunds” or “Infinitives”. He taught me really politely. I appreciated him so much. I’ll do my best. |
hagi様より 会員No.35539 女性 |
The same |
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