お気に入り登録数: 66
名前 | Antonia A. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | ジャマイカ |
現住国 | Jamaica |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 初級 |
星5つ |
(口コミ数 42件) |
星4つ |
(口コミ数 0件) |
星3つ |
(口コミ数 0件) |
星2つ |
(口コミ数 0件) |
星1つ |
(口コミ数 0件) |
Kanon様より 会員No.21628 女性 |
Hi, Tonia! I enjoyed a stimulating time in your lesson because we did the listening practice and the interview practice too! I am so happy because you taught me a new method! It is so helpful. I am going to use this tactic definitely. Thank you for always Toia:)) |
Kanon様より 会員No.21628 女性 |
Hi Tonia! Thank you so much for another lesson. I really enjoyed your class as usual. Yesterday even though you were so tired, you behaved cheerfully as usual. You are a professional teacher definitely. I know you are very busy at work, but don't overdo it! You need to have a good rest! Take it easy:)) See you soon. |
Kanon様より 会員No.21628 女性 |
Hi, Tonia! Thank you for another lesson. Every time I take your class, I am able to relax but yesterday we did a mock interview so I was so nervous. You gave me a lot of wonderful pieces of advice. Thank you for always Tonia. I can't thank you enough... See you on Tuesday:) |
Kanon様より 会員No.21628 女性 |
Hi, Tonia! Thank you very much for today's lesson. I enjoyed it a lot! Today, I challenged myself and I noticed that I need to practice listening to music just once and be able to answer questions correctly. Thank you sooo much Tonia for preparing the lesson, even you are so busy. I really appreciate it. See you on Friday:) |
Kanon様より 会員No.21628 女性 |
Hi, Tonia! Thank you very much for another wonderful lesson. I like yesterday's song and your questions I wanted to answer all questions correctly though...haha Oh! and Thank you very much for giving me a bonus question! I can't wait to see you next time:)) |
AYA様より 会員No.23318 女性 |
Hi,Tonia! Thanks for always:) I love your lesson because it's easy to understand and I can talk a lot. Oh, I've opened the Netflix as soon as our class ended....lol In the next class, I'll tell you about my impressions of the movies that you recommend. See you soon! |
Kanon様より 会員No.21628 女性 |
Hi, Tonia! Thank you very much for another wonderful lesson. Thanks to you, I got more confidence. By the way, your Japanese is so cute! haha, Oh! I found your camera was so clear! I really looking forward to seeing you and taking the next class which will be level up! See you later:) |
Kanon様より 会員No.21628 女性 |
Hi, Tonia! Thank you for another lesson. I enjoyed your lesson as usual. Thanks to you, I can get confidence and my listening skill is improving gradually. Thank you so much Tonia. I will watch your recommendation movies:) Every time I take your lesson, your japanese is so good haha See you next time!!! |
AYA様より 会員No.23318 女性 |
Thank you as always, Tonia-Sensei! I'll definitely book your class soon!! I'm looking forward to see you next time:) とっても明るくて優しい先生で、フリートークでも話題が尽きません。 いつも元気な笑顔で聞いて、話してくださるので、私のつたない英語でも不安なくレッスンを受けられます。 Tonia先生のレッスンは本当にオススメです!(^^) |
AYA様より 会員No.23318 女性 |
Hi Tonia! Thank you for always having fun lessons:) I'll check the movies you recommend. See you again! |
chie様より 会員No.17621 女性 |
推薦して下さったドラマが面白かったと言ったら またいっぱいほかのドラマもすすめて下さいました。 どれもみるつもりです。 レッスンは楽しく明るくいつも充実しています。 また次の時まで。 |
Kanon様より 会員No.21628 女性 |
Hi,Tonia! Thank you soooo much for preparing the lesson. You also searched a video of tips for taking notes. I know you have a busy schedule. I really appreciate it. Yesterday, You prepared slower song, and easer questions. So I could answer almost correct. Then you've increased my evaluation. I'm so happy. You are my special teacher! I really looking forward to listening to your favorite song hehehe. See you next time:)) |
miho様より 会員No.18345 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson, Antonia. I've enjoyed talking to you! 明るく愉快な先生で、会話がはずみました。 |
AYA様より 会員No.23318 女性 |
Hi, Tonia! Thank you for your great lesson! I had a wonderful time with you. Because you were so cheerful, I could speak English without any worries. And I like anime and manga too. I want to talk about that with you! I will book your lesson again:) Thank you. |
Kanon様より 会員No.21628 女性 |
Hi, Tonia. Thank you sooo much for preparing lesson and questions. I could not answer correctly but It was very fun lesson and I am really looking forward to taking your lesson soon! |
Kanon様より 会員No.21628 女性 |
Hi, Tonia!(I've been wanted to call you like Tonia!! not Antonia! Finally! hehe)Yesterday's lesson was sooo fun as usual. I can always take your lesson with relax. Thank you for giving me your wondreful advices about my listning skills. I'm gonna try it! Okay! I am going to review yesterday's lesson. Thank you and tae care. I can't wait to talk to you on the next time. |
chie様より 会員No.17621 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson. It is fun. I am going to watch Strenger things. See you next. |
Kanon様より 会員No.21628 女性 |
Hi Antonia! This lesson was so fun as usual. I learned a lot from yesterday's lesson. Next lesson I want you to tell me about how to study English gramer effectively. wow! I can't wait to talk to you again ★ see you soon! Antonia先生はすごく明るくて間違ったところもすぐに送ってくれたり丁寧にレッスンを進めてくださるので、すごくオススメの先生です。なんといっても優しくて面白いです。初心者さんんも間違いなく楽しくリラックスして授業をうけることができますよ! |
Kazuya様より 会員No.19382 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. See you next time. |
Kanon様より 会員No.21628 女性 |
Definietly, she is amazing and fun. Everyone should try her lesson! |
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