お気に入り登録数: 781
名前 | Katherine T. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | Japan |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 上級 |
futa様より 会員No.6501 男性 |
楽しいレッスンをありがとうございました。 恥ずかしがりの息子で、なかなか英語でしゃべろうとしないところを、日本語も交えながら、楽しく教えてくださりました。だんだん気分がのってきたのか、少しずつ英語でのコミュニケーションを楽しんでいます。 |
Mami様より 会員No.3016 女性 |
We talked about how we spent our summer holidays. It's always a lot of fun to talk with Katherine! |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
It was great to have your lesson for my son again. Today's lesson focused on expressing opinions and agreeing or disagreeing. As you told us, it seemed to be hard for him to make sentences but more practice from now on will improve his skills. Thank you! |
Sati様より 会員No.4098 女性 |
Today's lesson was really fun! Thank you Katherine! I like your creativity in a role play lesson! Thank you for sharing your travel experience and listening to me:) See you! |
Yuka様より 会員No.7911 女性 |
6歳の娘がスカイプのレッスンを楽しめるかどうか不安でしたが、先生のお試しレッスンでその不安が払拭され即エイゴックスに入会することに決めました。娘はとても楽しんだ様子でした。 |
Sati様より 会員No.4098 女性 |
It was very nice to meet you, Katherine. You are a very cheerful and kind person! I felt that I was speaking with someone who I already knew :) See you tomorrow! |
YOSHIE様より 会員No.7483 女性 |
Katherine 先生、今回も楽しいLesson✨ありがとうございました。本当に優しくて、楽しい 先生なので、2回目のLessonですが、あっと言う間でした。色んな事を話せるように 頑張りますので、また よろしくお願いします。 |
YOSHIE様より 会員No.7483 女性 |
Katherine.teacher、とても 楽しいLesson✨を、ありがとうございました。 すごく 楽しい 優しい 先生で、言い方など を 直ぐに直して 書いてくれるので、分かりやすかったです。中々 英語の文が作れなくても 待っててくれたり、焦らずにすみました。 また、Lesson✨予約したいので、お願いします。 |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
Thank you so much as always. My son is very glad to hear about your previous trip to Australia - your wombat is really cute! During the textbook lesson, he found it difficult to pronounce several words, such as "ridiculous," "comfortable" and "pronunciation." He needs more practice to build up his vocabulary, while he enjoyed your energetic lesson. |
Yuzuki様より 会員No.975 男性 |
Thank you for the lesson, Katherine!! It was our first lesson, and your lesson was wonderful. We would like to have your lessons more. See you next time! |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
Today's reading practices were about comparative sentences. I'm not sure whether he can understand what is said in the articles though he can read aloud. He needs more practices for replying in full sentences. By the way, I recommend you going to Kuranda rainforest. The view from Skyrail is magnificent! Have a wonderful vacation :) |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
My son was pleasantly interested in hearing about your plan for traveling down under. He's also been to Australia twice - Brisbane and Cairns. They are wonderful cities. I hope you will have great memories with koaras and amazing creatures!! |
Mami様より 会員No.3016 女性 |
Thank you very much for today's lesson, Katherine. Your explanation was clear. I appreciate it. It was fun to talk about food! |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
Today's speaking practice is making sentennces using the comparative degree including more comfortable, more attractive, more interesting, nicer, prettier, etc. Katherine is so kind and friendly that my 11-year-old son can enjoy her lessons every week. Thank you:) |
Sachiko様より 会員No.5771 女性 |
I enjoyed her class very much. She is very friendly and smiley! She let me talk a lot and it turned out to be a good practice for me. Sometimes she wrote down appropriate sentences which I was trying to say in the chat box. It was nice meeting you, Katherine. I had a good time! Thank you! |
匿名様より 会員No.5814 女性 |
Thank you very much yesterday's lesson!I enjoyed talking about each other as usual.See you next time;) |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
I really appreciate that you are always patient with my son's poor English:) He looks forward to having your friendly lessons every week. Today he learned about the comparative degree, making sentences using the words; faster, cuter, cooler, safer, etc. Thank you so much! |
Yuko様より 会員No.5762 女性 |
Nice to catch up! Enjoyed talkig with you again. Good luck with the moving. Hope to see you soon! |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
Nice to speak with you! She engaged my son in the speaking practice and he tried hard to make sentences with various words she showed. Great lesson! He needs more speaking practice next time as usual. Thank you :) |
hana様より 会員No.7185 女性 |
Thank you for talking with me. Katherine T.先生 explained the words that I do not know kindly. Maybe I'll start EIGOX. |
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