お気に入り登録数: 192
名前 | Hailey M. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | カナダ |
現住国 | Canada |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 中級 |
匿名様より 会員No.24531 女性 |
She is a very kind and sincere teacher. My daughter, eight years old, was happy. Please teach my daughter English again. thank you♡ |
Erika様より 会員No.3009 女性 |
Thank you so much for your amazing class! I learned a lot from you. |
Eiji様より 会員No.5799 男性 |
Sorry for my late response. I really enjoyed your lesson very much. It would be great if we share our university life again! Thank you, and have a happy day! |
Erika様より 会員No.3009 女性 |
Thank you for your great lesson! |
匿名様より 会員No.17641 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. I enjoyed your lesson. I am looking forward to your next lesson. |
Hiro様より 会員No.23247 男性 |
We were talking about COVID-19 based on CNN Article. I am glad that your mother is Japanese and you were born in Japan. Take care! |
匿名様より 会員No.17641 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. I enjoyed talking with you. I am looking forward to your next lesson. |
Atsu様より 会員No.22603 男性 |
Thank you very much for today's lesson. I appreciate your suggestions for improvement of my English. I would like to adopt them into my daily practice. |
Erika様より 会員No.3009 女性 |
Thank you so much for your great lesson! |
Chiyo様より 会員No.21767 女性 |
Thank you for always politely teaching English expressions. |
Erika様より 会員No.3009 女性 |
Thank you so much for your great lesson! |
Mayu様より 会員No.18293 女性 |
Thank you for the nice lesson! Today I learned "sigh." Have a good day! (^v^) |
Erika様より 会員No.3009 女性 |
Thank you so much for your great lesson! |
Chiyo様より 会員No.21767 女性 |
I am very grateful to you because you always politely correct the English sentence. I want to improve my English conversation little by little. |
Amy様より 会員No.22453 女性 |
会話しやすくて、良かった。 |
Amy様より 会員No.22453 女性 |
楽しかった |
Chiyo様より 会員No.21767 女性 |
Thank you for talked with me. Thanks for the interview advice. We would like to use your advice for an interview. |
Eiji様より 会員No.5799 男性 |
Thank you for your great lesson today. We covered a lot of topics, from classes to the bible to medical treatments in the US and Canada. Especially, we are very busy right now for many classes, but I feel good now since we could confirm that we are in the same situation, struggling with many HW and papers. Let's keep up so that we can enjoy summer break! Look forward to seeing you soon again! |
yuki様より 会員No.19290 女性 |
I can always learn new expressions and correct sentences in your lesson.I realy appreciate it. |
Chiyo様より 会員No.21767 女性 |
I am very grateful for taking the early lessons. Have a great day. You helped me supplement my English conversation and it was very helpful. |
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