講師詳細Teacher's Details

Kate V. (ケイト V.先生)




  1. レッスン提供数: 639回
  2. 講師のキャンセル率: 0%
  3. すっぽかし率: 0%

お気に入り登録数: 96

名前 Kate V.
性別 女性
国籍 フィリピン
現住国 Japan
日本語 初級
Eigox登録日 2017年02月28日 (登録期間 : 7年1ヶ月)
講師経験年数 3年以上
ニックネーム Kai (カイ)

Good day! 英語を楽しく簡単に学びたくないですか? 私達はあなたの英語力を確実に伸ばすことができます。一般的な英語はもとより、メディカル系の英語についても教えることができます。 英語のレッスンであなたに会えるのを楽しみにしています。よろしくね!

Hi! My name is Kate. I am a Bachelor of Science degree holder and am currently working here in Japan as a Medical English Coach to healthcare providers, After school English Teacher to elementary students, and I also teach company employees on weekdays.

I have been teaching English for more than ten years now, both online and in-person types of lectures. It would be an honor to meet new students in my class! My lessons typically depend on students. I apply this unique strategy from what I learned in my Nursing major, which I call the [ADPIE] approach. It is a step-by-step process I use in teaching.
A: I ASSESS my students through an interview while building rapport.
D: I DIAGNOSE or identify their levels of English in the first class.
P: In the third step, I PLAN each learning approach and my strategies of lesson execution.
I: Fourth, I do my INTERVENTIONS during the class by offering efficient strategies such as article discussions, storytelling, free conversations, practice pronunciation, and so on.
E: The last step is to EVALUATE the students and discover ways to improve their English more and more.

I know how challenging it is to study a new language as I am also studying Japanese as my third language. That is why I am trying my best to be a persistent teacher because I know the frustration and stress of wanting to speak a new language fluently and with ease. It is one of the reasons I’m very patient when it comes to teaching children or beginners.

TIPS FOR PARENTS WITH KIDS STUDYING ENGLISH: I encourage parents to expose their children to learn a new language as early as possible. It will help them reach their goals and understand cultural differences. English through play is one of the most efficient ways to master English in a natural setting. So, let them have fun in the class and play with their teachers!

Thank you so much, and I am looking forward to seeing you in my class!
Minnasan, Aragatou Gozaimasu. Yoroshiku Onegashimasu. Mattane~

趣味 映画・ドラマ, ニュース・ドキュメント, 音楽, 料理, アート
キッズ 日常英会話(入門) 日常英会話(初級) 日常英会話(中級) 日常英会話(上級) ビジネス英語(入門)
ビジネス英語(初級) ビジネス英語(中級) ビジネス英語(上級) 旅行英語 ドラマ・映画英語 時事英語
文法 発音 ボキャブラリー 英検 TOEIC TOEIC SW
TOEFL IELTS 学習方法カウンセリング
  • Side by Side 1 (3rd Edition / Extra Edition)
  • 100 Power Topics for Business (中級)
  • Side by Side 2 (3rd Edition / Extra Edition)
  • Smart English (Starter)
  • Side by Side 3 (3rd Edition / Extra Edition)
  • Smart English 1
  • Side by Side 4 (3rd Edition / Extra Edition)
  • Smart English 2
  • 100 Power Topics (初級)
  • Smart English 3
  • 100 Power Topics (初中級)
  • Smart English 4
  • 100 Power Topics (中級)
  • Smart English 5
  • 100 Power Topics for Business (初級)
  • Smart English 6
  • 100 Power Topics for Business (初中級)


ケイト先生は看護士の資格を持つ、とても気さくで親しみやすい先生です。 現在は大阪にお住まいです。 現在は3年以上、英会話の指導経験がございます。 先生の専門性を活かした医療英語はもちろん、お子様のレッスンにもオススメできる先生ですよ :) それでは、ケイト先生をよろしくお願いいたします♪ (2017/2/17記載)